17th of May 2024

While the site isn't nearly as active as it was back in the 2000's, we're not entirely without activity! Thanks to Amzrigh for creating, completing and contributing the first shrine in nearly a decade; it covers Lagrange Point for the Famicom/NES. Its soundtrack is amazing and well worth a listen.

The RPGClassics Staff

8th of July 2014

Only four years late. The Knights of the Old Republic Shrine is now officially published; and so it is a pleasure to welcome Blennus to the staff. Congratulations.

The RPGClassics Staff

5th of June 2014

Two years since the last update and it's about the exact same thing! We have moved servers yet again. Please let us know of any breakage. Thanks.

The RPGClassics Staff

28th of January 2012

It's like a torrent of activity! We have now completed the move. Please let us know of any breakage.

The RPGClassics Staff

27th of January 2012

We're still not dead! This is a notice that we'll be changing hosts in the upcoming days: You should expect some downtime. It's also possible that some webpages will break, if so, please let us know on the forums!

The RPGClassics Staff

11th of March 2010

We're not quite dead! If you've paid careful attention you might've noticed there's been some activity on the Wiki. Not nearly enough of course, so now we are calling on volunteers to help us wikify a few recent games:

So if you're a Final Fantasy Fan, and you'd like to help us create the best online resource for Final Fantasy XIII, register on the Agora and then use that username and password to login on the Wiki! We need content in all areas -- Walkthroughs, strategies, secrets, characters, equipment, and more. We welcome any contributions!

The RPGClassics Staff

13th of June 2009

Finally! That took a lot more time than expected. Let's blame Merlin. There is still a lot left to recode so expect pages that look out of place and like they were written in the late 1990's. Don't be alarmed if pages suddenly change during the next several months. Should you feel nostalgic you can still access the old frontpage here. If you find something that is broken, please let us know.